What affects our ability to concentrate?

– Few workplaces require more of a person than those in the construction industry”, says psychologist Peter Strassegger. – Working on construction projects is demanding both mentally and physically, and places great demands on concentration and attention. A small mistake in a critical situation can have major consequences.

Concentration and attention are two of the most important tasks our brain has. We will follow what is happening, absorb information so that we can learn from it, retrieve information from memory, and not least think logically, prioritise and assess in different situations.” 

“Working in the construction industry places great demands on the ability to stay focused over long periods of time. The ability to concentrate is a bit like a muscle, you get tired from carrying on for too long, and it is important to take sufficient breaks. 

There are few brain functions that are distracted as quickly as one’s attention. This is relevant regarding safety in building and construction projects”, explains Strassegger.

– What distracts us the most?

– I think it all depends on what kind of person you are, we have different things to think about and different personality traits. The brain is very complex, and everything from noises or movements in the sensory field, to physical pain and internal sensations affects and interferes with our attention and ability to concentrate, says Strassegger.

Different moods, emotions and stresses in life can also distract us.
– When we experience emotional stress, we pay less attention to what is around us and more to what is happening inside us. Most people manage to do a good and safe job even if they experience something difficult. But it is a good idea to be aware of what you are feeling – is there anything affecting you that might make doing your job difficult, and that you might need help to deal with? You might then want to seek help or tell others around you.