Muslim woman wearing a hijab in conversation with a colleague in an open office

Diversity leads to value creation

"In order to ensure optimal efficiency and benefit from diversity, we need to foster a work culture in which everyone can be fully present without having to devote part of their energy and capacity to protect themselves because of an unsafe culture," explains Loveleen Riheel Brenna, who is the founder of Seema – Centre for Diversity Management.

Portrait picture of Loveleen Riheel Brenna, Founder of Seema – Centre for Diversity Management

Loveleen Riheel Brenna, Founder of Seema – Centre for Diversity Management

When employees experience psychological safety, they feel included. "There is a great difference between being seen for who you are and being seen because you have a disability, because you are a woman in a male-dominated environment or because you have a different skin colour," Brenna explains. "When we ensure that everyone can really be themselves, we find that well-being, motivation and efficiency all improve and this is what is most important."

How can we create equality?

"We need to look at language, systems and tools," Brenna explains and continues "equality is about focusing on the entire person rather than reducing people to e.g. women or men, and, as managers, businesses and colleagues, we need to provide equal opportunities and a level playing field for everyone, whereby all people are treated with respect and recognised as a resource. We need to look at how privileges are distributed and remember that we cannot create equality through numbers, but by providing everyone with an equal opportunity to be themselves."

Being able to really be yourself at work allows you to relax, to experience psychological safety, to feel that you are seen and to know that you can share your insights and knowledge as the person you are when you can be fully present. You do not need to expend energy protecting yourself against racism, stigma and discrimination.
Loveleen Riheel Brenna, Founder of Seema – Norway’s leading environment for diversity management