Veidekke: To rebuild yet another section of the E20 past Mariestad

On behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Veidekke is to rebuild the Muggebo-Tjos section of the E20 past Mariestad. The project is a performance contract valued at approximately SEK 843 million and is expected to be completed in the autumn of 2028.

E20 Muggebo-Tjos

Veidekke's commission includes rebuilding a 12 kilometre section of the E20 along the current route and a new section past Mariestad. The road will be designed for a speed of 100 km/h, with 2+2 lanes and median separation by guardrails. The project also includes reconstruction of the Brodderud interchange, a new Hasslerör interchange at the E20/road 26 junction, conversion of the existing E20 into a local road, a new local road and the renovation and new construction of public and private roads.

To the south, the project links to Veidekke's ongoing construction contract, the Hindsberg-Muggebo section on the E20 past Mariestad, and extends to the connecting road to the north, between road 26 and Hova. 

“I’m pleased that we also won the second section of the project for the E20 past Mariestad and thus have the opportunity to extend the good partnership we have with the Swedish Transport Administration in the ongoing construction contract,” says Peter Svenningsson, Regional Manager with Veidekke Anläggning.

The project is one of three remaining sections of the E20 development, which will improve road safety, contribute to regional growth and create better conditions for transport on one of Sweden's most important roads. Improving road safety and accessibility for both goods and people connects the different regions of the country.

The contract is included in the Q1 2025 order book.

For further information, please contact:
Jørgen Wiese Porsmyr, CFO, +47 907 59 058,

Veidekke is one of Scandinavia's largest contractors. In addition to undertaking all types of building and civil engineering assignments, the group also maintains roads and produces asphalt and aggregates. Veidekke emphasises stakeholder involvement and local experience. Its annual turnover is approximately NOK 43 billion, and half of its 8,000 employees own shares in the company. Veidekke is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has posted a profit every year since its inception in 1936.

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