Veidekke: Exercise of employee share options in Veidekke ASA

A total of 2 participants in the Company's share option program have on May 28th 2024 exercised a total of 1 500 options at a strike price of NOK 35.15.

A total of 1 participant in the Company's share option program have on May 28th 2024 exercised a total of 2 000 options at a strike price of NOK 39.46.

A total of 5 participants in the Company’s share option program have on May 28th 2024 exercised a total of 9 000 options at a strike price of NOK 99,36.

Following the exercise, the employees will purchase 12 500 shares. These shares will be transferred June/July.

Shares acquired through the program have a sales restriction on one year after exercise date.

5 500 options have been exercised by primary insiders.

The following primary insider has been exercised options:

Arve Fludal has exercised 1 000 options and bought 1 000 shares at NOK 35.15 per share.

Hans Olav Sørlie has exercised 500 options and bought 500 shares at NOK 35.15 per share.

Kristina Andreasson has exercised 2 000 options and bought 2 000 shares at NOK 99,36 per share.

Øivind Larsen has exercised 2 000 options and bought 20 00 shares at NOK 99,36 per share.

For further information, please contact: Jørgen Wiese Porsmyr, CFO, +47 907 59 058,

This information is subject to disclosure requirements set out in the Market Abuse Regulation EU 596/2014 Article 19 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act Section 5-12.

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Share purchases by primary insiders May 2024 pdf