To build health centre in Hallingdal

Veidekke Entreprenør has signed a contract with the municipality of Ål to build Hallingdal Sjukestugu/Ål Helsetun. The contract was won in a planning and design competition and further development is at the harmonisation stage. The value of the contract is NOK 192 million excluding VAT.

"This is a large and important building commission in Hallingdal. Being awarded this job means a great deal for our 44 locally employed apprentices, skilled workers and management, as well as our local suppliers and partners. I am therefore delighted that Ål is once again showing confidence in us. The municipality is, and has been, one of our largest clients since we first became established in Hallingdal almost 30 years ago," says Veidekke's Department Manager Jørgen Holestøl. 

The existing Sjukestugu building will be totally renovated, with the present decks and load-bearing system reinforced and used as part of the new building. The new floor area (including some rebuilding of existing space) will be approximately 7,700 m2 gross (BTA). There will be an intermediate ward for 20 patients, dialysis, maternity ward, blood bank, sheltered accommodation for 16 persons, a doctor's surgery and after-hours medical service, a short-stay ward for 21 patients and common functions.

The emphasis is on the building being flexible, with good possibilities for later adaptation, and the load-bearing system will be designed to take an extra floor. The architects are Arkitektkontoret Kvadrat AS of Trondheim in close collaboration with DBC AS in Gol.

The project is already under way and will be completed in two stages: The intermediate ward during the course of August 2016 and the remainder in December 2016. The contract is included in Veidekke's order backlog for Q2.

For more information, please contact:
District Manager Sverre Liavaag, tel +47 90 74 18 77,
Department Manager Jørgen Holestøl, tel +47 99 58 17 84,
Communications Manager Helge Dieset, tel +47 90 55 33 22,
Operations and Development Manager Reidun Aaker, project manager in the municipality of Ål, tel +47 99 28 78 54,

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Veidekke is one of Scandinavia's largest contractors and property developers. The company undertakes all types of building and construction contracts, maintains roads and produces asphalt and aggregates. The company is characterised by involvement and local knowledge. Revenue is almost NOK 24 billion (2014), and half of the 6,400 employees own shares in the company. Veidekke is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has always posted a profit since it was founded in 1936.

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