Mandatory notification of trade - Shares purchased by employees in 2016

7,082 employees of Veidekke have received offers to purchase between 50 and 1,000 Veidekke shares each. The employees could choose between two alternatives: Option A with 30 % discount and cash payment and option B with 20 % discount and partial financing.

2,389 employees made use of the offer and subscribed a total of 1.19 million shares during the subscription period from 4 to 11 November. However, there was an oversubscription of 41 % and a reduction was done. After the reduction, the employees were permitted to purchase between 50 and 600 shares each, and a total of 0.84 million shares were allocated to the employees.

The purchasing prices were set at NOK 84.44 (option A) and NOK 96.50 (option B) after a 30 % and 20 % discount respectively on the market price during the subscription period. The shares are subject to a two-year lock-in period.

For years, Veidekke has worked to promote employee co-ownership in the company. This year interest has been considerable, and 2,389 purchasers represent 34% of those who received the offer. Corresponding figures for 2015 and 2014 were 33% and 32%, respectively.

The purchases of primary insiders, as well as new holdings, are attached to this report.

Contact persons:

Finance Consultant Heidi Hvidsten, tel. +47 91 54 04 65,

Financial Director Jørgen Michelet, tel. +47 91 74 38 56,

Communication Manager Helge Dieset, tel. +47 90 55 33 22,

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
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Shares acquired by primary insiders November 2016 pdf