Increased home sales for Veidekke

Veidekke sold a total of 326 homes in Q3 2014. This is an increase from 284 in Q2 2014. Home sales are very strong in Sweden, but sales are picking up in Norway as well.

In Norway Veidekke's home sales (including jointly-owned projects) have continued to increase somewhat from Q2, and we are experiencing better sales in all the major cities. In Sweden we are seeing continued high demand for our homes in both Stockholm, Gothenburg and Skåne.

- "Housing sales in Sweden have developed faster than we had anticipated, and it is particularly pleasing that the increase appears to be taking a foothold in all of our geographic focus areas," says CEO Arne Giske. In Norway home sales continue to rise, and here as well we note that the increase is across the board.
The total sales value for the quarter was NOK 998 million, whereof Veidekke's share was NOK 777 million.

The number of homes in production is 1521, whereof Veidekke's share is 1196. The combined sales ratio for projects under construction is 78 %.

Veidekke's home sales figures as at Q3 2014:

Sales figures including jointly owned projects (gross sales)

Q3 2014 (2013)
Veidekke's share of sales (net sales)

Q3 2014 (2013)
Norway 122 (115) 72 (71)
Sweden 204 (120) 199 (109)
Total 326 (235) 271 (180)

For more information, please contact:
Director of business development with Eiendom, Audun Blegen, tel. +47 959 79 664,
SVP Finance Jørgen Michelet, tel. +47 917 43 856,

Veidekke is one of Scandinavia's leading contractors and property developers with a turnover of NOK 21 billion (2013) and 6,300 employees. Activities include building and construction projects, residential developments, asphalt plants, gravel and aggregates, and road services. Our values are professional, honest, enthusiastic and ground-breaking. Our goals for health, safety and the environment, HSE, have equal status with our financial goals. Veidekke is characterised by a strong corporate culture with employee involvement and co-ownership as important cornerstones. More than half of the employees are co-owners, holding around 20 per cent of the Group's shares between them. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has always posted a profit since it was founded in 1936.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.