Veidekke Entreprenør AS, Buskerud District - Drammen Division, is to build 53 apartments for Veidekke Eiendom AS. The contract is for NOK 102 million, excluding VAT, and will be carried out as a turnkey project.
The project is for a total of 8,400 square metres in two buildings with a common underground car park. The project has been well received in the market, with well over half the apartments already sold. Åstadryggen is the fourth and final building phase that Veidekke has developed at Åstad, between Billingstad and Hvalstad in the municipality of Asker.
Sizes range from 3 bedroom apartments of 79 m2 to 4 bedroom apartments of 137 m2. The buildings will be constructed of in situ concrete with facades mainly in plaster. Groundwork has already commenced and the apartments will be ready for occupation in September 2011.
Read more about the project here:
For more information please contact:
Project Developer Emil Paaske, Veidekke Eiendom, tel. +47 958 19 170,
Dep. Manager Steffen Fagerås, Veidekke Entreprenør Drammen, tel. +47 905 19 270,
Project Manager Ivar Bøygard, Veidekke Entreprenør, tel. +47 907 36 224,
Communications Manager Helge Dieset, tel. +47 21 05 77 91 / +47 90 55 33 22,
Veidekke ASA is a leading Scandinavian building contractor and property developer with 6,000 employees and a turnover of NOK 15.6 billion (2009). The group is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has a dispersed ownership structure with the employees owning 19.3 % of the stock. The business spans a wide spectrum of building and construction projects, developing housing and commercial buildings for private and public sector clients, asphalt plants and road maintenance as well as collecting and recycling waste.