Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting is Veidekke's highest authority. The annual general meeting will be held in May.


Notice that the annual general meeting shall take place will be given in writing at least 3 weeks before the date. The agenda for the meeting shall be sent out with the notice of the meeting.

It is the Board, management and auditor who are present at the annual general meeting. Shareholders who wish to attend and cast their vote must give notification of this before a deadline set out in the notice.


At the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors presents activities and results from the past year to shareholders.

The shareholders elect members to the Group's Board of Directors and the nomination committee for the year ahead. In addition, they determine the remuneration of the Board of Directors, the nomination committee and Veidekke's auditor.

The duties of the annual general meeting 

The tasks of the annual general meeting are to:

  • approve the annual accounts and annual report, including the use of profits or coverage of deficits
  • decide on the distribution of dividends
  • electing members to the nomination committee
  • decide on the number of board members
  • nominate the board members and deputies who by law must not to be selected by the employees
  • the Board's declaration concerning the principles for determining salaries and other remuneration for senior executives
  • consider other matters that by law are include in the annual general meeting

Executive pay statement

Guidelines on the setting of remuneration for veidekke asa executives

Executive remuneration report 2023